Welcome to the Allan Gray Orbis Foundation

Entrepreneurship Begins Here

The Allan Gray Orbis Foundation invests in the education and development of individuals with entrepreneurial potential within Southern Africa. We believe that it takes one responsible, high-impact entrepreneur to change the reality of a city, or even a country, by creating long-term, meaningful job opportunities.

Critical aspects in our holistic approach to entrepreneurship development

The Context

The competencies and context of understanding the African and global ecosystems.

The Practice

The practice of developing entrepreneurial skills.

The Person

The person in whom we cultivate an entrepreneurial mindset

Our Thriving Participant Community



High School Learners


Candidate Fellows

University Students


Allan Gray Fellows



AGEC Learners

Participants in the Allan Gray Entrepreneurial Challenge

Over 200 Allan Gray Fellows have gone on to create businesses that collectively employ 800+ people
The alumni community consists of 894 Fellows 56% of whom are female evidencing our commitment to female entrepreneurship.
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What would you like to do?

Learners participating in the Entrepreneurship Challenge

The entrepreneurship challenge

Aimed at cultivating a culture of entrepreneurship.


Scholars at a yearly camp for grades 8-9

Programme For High School

A programme that offers high school entrepreneurial scholarships to learners.


young achievers transitioning into university

young achievers transitioning into university

Receive entrepreneurial development support and access to funding for university.


Happy Fellows at an Association event catching up as alumni

The alumni community

Lifelong entrepreneurial journey is supported by their membership to a likeminded community.


two people talking in mentorship session

Active mentoring

Supporting our community on their entrepreneurial journey.


curious, driven and responsibly-minded young people

4 months ago

Amplifying Her Impact – Female Founders Shine at New Frontiers Pitch Event

1 year ago

What makes an entrepreneur: 14 behavioural competencies

1 year ago

Entrepreneurial success requires an interconnected ecosystem

Applied Learning Challenge winners at the Allan Gray Entrepreneurship Challenge 2023 Gala Event

1 year ago

Seizing the Opportunity to Democratise Entrepreneurship Education


Connect with us

Our friendly team at Allan Gray Orbis Foundation would love to connect.
